If you want a good score on the GMAT, take our course!!


The Linguae Institute’s GMAT Preparation Course aims to prepare its students for both the Verbal Section and Analytical Writing as well as the Quantitative Section of the exam.

The course is taught in partnership with Master GMAT.


The GMAT preparation course is conducted in partnership with MASTERGMAT. It offers an intelligent tool for learning the test, as well as teachers who can solve your doubts live or by email.

The Linguae-Master GMAT course is an intelligent software that learns your learning style by analyzing your mistakes, like a real-life master, and adapts according to the ideal type of experience. At the same time, Linguae-Master GMAT teaches the knowledge, techniques, and test strategies you need. Your instinct and time management will also be developed before you take the test.
Our team of masters is available to guide you to make the most of your potential. We also offer automatic and customized summaries of what you have learned.

Nosso time de mestres estão à disposição para orientar para aproveitar o máximo de seu potencial. Oferecemos também resumos automáticos e customizados do que você aprendeu

Conditions and Prices

You can test the course for free for 7 days. In addition, by purchasing the course with us, you will receive a 10% discount on the value offered directly on the Master Gmat website.


The GMAT is a standardized assessment, conducted in English, which helps Business Schools evaluate the qualifications of candidates for advanced studies in business and administration.

With a good score on the GMAT, you have better chances of being accepted as a candidate for an MBA or other courses at the world’s leading Business Schools, as these schools use the test as an indicator of academic performance in a business program.

Contact us and learn more about the course at phone number +55(11) 93466-1917 or send an email to contato@linguae.com.br


For further information, don't hesitate in contacting us:
+55 11 2787-6338 +55 11 93466-1917
“Being fluent in one or two foreign languages is no longer a privilege, but a necessity instead. Linguae has qualified…
Jaques Grinberg Costa – Director at Easycomp
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